Strong alliance for a childhood without cancer
The advisory board of the Hopp Children's Cancer Centre Heidelberg (KiTZ) is made up of outstanding personalities from the worlds of business, politics and the public. The members of the advisory board meet regularly in Heidelberg to discuss current issues in paediatric oncology and projects at KiTZ. The board advises the KiTZ directors on strategic, political, economic and regulatory issues. Its members establish contacts and help to develop sources of funding for paediatric oncology. The advisory board lives a ‘culture of philanthropy’, i.e. social commitment out of conviction; its members see themselves as supporters and ambassadors of paediatric oncology.
The KiTZ advisory board was founded on January 31, 2025.
Esra Himmel is chairwoman of board. Nadine Schön is the deputy chairwoman.
- Theresia Bauer, Managing Director of the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung gGmbH
- Silvia Geberth, Partner for Accounting & Reporting Advisory Services, Deloitte Deutschland GmbH
- Mathias Geisen, Head Mercedes-Benz Vans, Mercedes-Benz Group AG
- Gunhild Grieve, Chief Financial Officer, RWE Supply & Trading GmbH
- Dr. Alexandra Hachmeister, Head of the Central Digital Euro Division, Deutsche Bundesbank
- Dr. Matthias Heidler, CEO Augustinum gemeinnützige GmbH
- Esra Himmel, former COO goetzpartners
- Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Irawan, Chairman of the Executive Board, ETAS GmbH
- Markus Kapaun, Member of the Group Management Board responsible for Finance (CFO), MAHLE GmbH
- Simon Klee, Head Dietmar Hopp Foundation GmbH
- Heiko Ludwig, Managing Director / Global Head of Structured Finance & General Manager, Norddeutsche Landesbank GZ, London Branch
- Sarah Majorczyk, CEO Bild hilft e.V. - Ein Herz für Kinder
- Thomas Olaynig, Head of Product and Portfolio Management, Ecclesia Holding GmbH
- Katarina Peranic, Board member, Deutsche Stiftung für Engagement und Ehrenamt
- Ralf Schaich, Member of the Executive Board/CFO, Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG
- Nadine Schön, MdB, Deputy Chairwoman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the German Bundestag
- Dr. Albrecht Schütte, MdL, Financial policy spokesman for the CDU parliamentary group in the Baden-Württemberg state parliament
- Martina Stamm-Fibich, MdB, Member of the German Bundestag SPD parliamentary group