More time for children with cancer

A cancer diagnosis changes the life of the whole family and is a major emotional challenge. Everyday life is suspended indefinitely and affected families have to deal with new issues and feelings. The medical routine can also be intimidating. The hospital is a completely foreign environment with unfamiliar people who need to be trusted, despite the uncertainty that the diagnosis brings with it. Many questions arise: What therapies are available and which is the right one? Where can I get support in everyday life? Can my child continue to go to school? Who will accompany the sick child during the time in hospital - and who will look after the siblings during this time? Who will help me with psychosocial issues and is there help in financial emergencies?

The physicians at KiTZ look after around 20 young cancer patients every day who come to the pediatric oncology outpatient clinic and day clinic, or are in stationary care. The psychosocial team provides the best possible support to the children and their families during this difficult time. The trust of patients and their families is the foundation of their daily work. Empathy and understanding are essential for successful treatment.

The most important factor here is time. The attending physicians and psychosocial team members need time to calmly answer all questions and provide detailed information about the illness, examinations and treatment. In this way, they can give parents reassurance and also have sufficient time to provide information in a child-friendly manner in order to allay fears and build trust. Families also need support in restructuring their everyday lives, which is often interrupted by weeks or months in hospital. However, it is also important to recognize the children's strengths and abilities, to take them into account and to activate them as a resource.

That's why we need your donation!

To ensure that the medical and psychosocial teams at KiTZ have this time, additional staff are being recruited to supplement the prescribed staffing ratio. KiTZ is expanding its team so that patients undergoing treatment at KiTZ can be treated without time pressure.

To do this, we need your support. With your donation, we can employ more staff to help the children and their families get through the difficult time of the illness better. With your donation, we can provide the affected families with additional physicians and staff in the psychosocial team, thereby strengthening and relieving them.

At KiTZ, we work to give children "more time". Help children with cancer and their families with your donation - give time!

Donation account “Give time”

Recipient: KiTZ
Bank institute: Sparkasse Heidelberg
IBAN: DE39 6725 0020 0009 3471 00
Purpose: Zeit schenken / Give time


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